Monday, May 5, 2008

and the question is....

ever been asked the question... drum roll please... :

"if you were to be born again would you rather be gay again?..."

argh... funny but true.. sa 21 years nako sa pagka bayot the question woul pop everytime. and whenever it is asked it turns into a miss universe final question moment where all eyes are on you and you alone. they try to analyze that if you like the feeling of being gay now you would like to have a season 2 of it... murag reality show?..diba..

sounds weird pero i guess i don't, i mean its fun to be gay pero growing up was full of taunting and of course uncertainty. what i mean to say is the constant teasing in the playgrounds with you in the middle kung asa ka mulaban? if sa girls ba or sa boys. the hiding from your family. all homo's can relate to me. but growing as a gay person in my family isn't that easy. the only one queer among a broOd of 3, again.. it was not easy. seaman pa ako papa. sort of, kinda, parang lisod ipagawas imo tinoOd nga gibati

pero infairness i was never an abused child (thank heavens). well infairness wala ko gi priso ug cabinet or cr, gi sulod ug sako then gipa-asohan or even worse ipa exorcism to drive away the demon that has taken over my body. ang ako d makalimtan kai as i was playing chinese garter (sort of flexible man ko, then i could do high jumps.. heheh divaaH!) gibitad ako dunggan sa ako mum and that was it,, nothing more.. kinda embarassing at that but as i think of it now it actually makes me laugh. i mean i am still close with my mum(ahemm... ako kahay tig ibot ug kilay niya ron). as for now they have already accepted me for what i am, "although we bicker and fight under it all hopefully is love and above it certainly is fabulousity" as verbalized pang kimora lee simmons.

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