Monday, July 21, 2008

tv and me....

For some goOd reason the cable is out today.

I have no idea what had happened, i'm just too upset to call the cable company and hear a ramdomly selected customer service associate who will give me enough reasons to think that i have the comprehension skills of a 4th grader. This has already happened twice. First was during the miss universe pageant on a beautiful monday morning. that had me flustered.

Really. Big time.

I had to endure the few minutes late telecast on a local station with my friend mike su teasing me on the phone while he would give away bits and pieces of who made it into the top 15 of the pageant! why of all days would they choose to cut the cable on such a day. Don't they know that pageants like these is like the NBA championships to all the baklitaz all over the world, (at which my brother would be screaming like crazy!... all the yeahs and the boOyeahs! that would hound and pound the house btw, he's a lakers fanatic which made him upset as for those who don't know the lakers lost the championships)

And now the tv is only showing a snowy reception.. in other words... ga karat2x ang tv namo! tse!.... thats why i'm in front of the pc right now...


Not that much of a couch potato though, but who doesn't want TV time?... huh?

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