Its not really that I am a BITCH. Well there is one on the inside but rarely does she make an appearance. That is if the time is most appropriate, then she will absolupositivalutely make an entrance that would enthrall the crowd the way Imelda Marcos would at her prime and that is coiffured and all.
Its just there are selective times that I really get pissed intentionally over little things and I always tell myself that karma is going to get that person. But at times I question karma. Is it me or that karma literally takes a lifetime to be processed. Does it have a filter? or a lazy secretary perhaps which has a pea for a brain and does not care to forward all emails to her/his boss (btw I really don't know what gender karma has)And it pissess me off the way someone jokes around you as if you re close and you quickly quip in a retort that would leave the other party speechless or in a way appalled lying on the ground looking for a shovel to bury their heads underground. And at times I just think of clobbering' them at that moment, but then again there is that thin red line between being barbaric and being normal. And at that point I remember the rules of engagement.. or shall I dare say revenge.. EVERYTHING HAS TO BE SNEAKY... and that EVERYTHING is all a matter of timing.... Well there is a hidden bitch in all of us... and to provoke would be a disaster,,... take a cue from Regina George and the Mean Girls... hehehe
(thanks to the guys of photobucket for the photo!!!)