The other week I visited a friend whom right now maybe in a case of house arrest careof her father because of one crazy event. What crazy event?... read closely. At a point in one's life one can never be too drunk or too stupd to commit acts that you would regret in the near future. The thing is that once things had happened we can't ask for a take two, we just can't take them back. Its true that each person has thier own reactions to alcohol of any kind. One may sit quietly and blush while majority will lose all thier inhibitions and do the unimaginable... or so i thought. Because her mind and body chooses to react to the latter she would scream out loud and wake all your neighbors.. dead or alive. Truth b told she woke everyone up, and cranky people who just woke up in the middle of the night are not the ones to mess with. As the saying goes "magbiro ka sa lasing 'wag lang sa bagong gising" Bagong gising in the middle of the night that is with the help of my friend. So as the commotion went on one of the very cranky, angry nieghbors went out looked for the source and... B*TCHED SLAPPED her silly. And by the way this happened along the road. This is soO freakin' telenovela-esQUE. Wouldn't you agree?......
(photo courtesy of photobucket.com)
(photo courtesy of photobucket.com)