..buRrp.... wOrd vomit,,.. oOps..i did it again....
Friday, April 1, 2011
is it just me or have i become jaded enough to the point that i cannot figure out pity from i want you to make the first move or i am sleepy from i am sleepy but i like what you're doing and if you keep it up you'll gonna get some lovin'... as in goosebumps inducing GOOOOOOOD LOVIN'
he asked me to come to his place.
and there it went. my mind out of the window.
but to my dismay i sat there. he asked if i wanted to watch something to which i replied anything he wanted, however what i really wanted to watch him undress, come to me and kiss me like there was no tomorrow.
but nOoOOooOOO!!!!
i just sat there, dropped like a hot tamale.
so there i was, he slept next to me. hugging me in the process. it was a nice nook. felt like a carrie bradshaw on aidan shaw's arms. but still nothing.
so when th movie credits rolled i woke him up expecting a response in my favor. tough luck, nothing. and that was the final straw.
i told him i was leaving. he crawled back to his bed.
there you go. do i need more reasons?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
- 999,999.99 -

i'm not pretty sure if my voice could be heard all over cyberspace. but hopefully a lot of you would take notice and take heed. a friend of mine is doing a special cause for his brother.
please visit www.facebook.com and search for -999,999.99- read through and show some support.
lets spread some love this season.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
ouch namien!

The prelude to my weekend has been a heart-breaking sudden turn of events. I have just found out that lonelyboy is seeing someone and that someone ain’t me.
Ouch, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Big time.
Maybe the stars were already aligned at one point in time and that my only MAJO! MAJOR! Mistake was not playing my cards right.
I spoke to Geng first about my predicament and true to the Michael Chitru Credo AKA Mr Geng fashion, he listened. Waited for me to throw all I can and after a sigh of relief from he would reply simple words that would reassure me that everything is going to be OK.
Then the plot continues, Roxy was at the office since Keith asked him to drop by due to my predicament, wherein unfortunately Keith and his big mouth blurted out some things that Roxy can connect the dots and see the bigger picture (I gave lonelyboy a smack on the lips the night prior, although I’m not sure if his partner could have clobbered me at that point but I was to hurt to care, not noticing Roxy had seen what I did). I was caught off guard when he confronted me.
So I asked them both, was there something I did? To which they had to agree on this I DID NOT MAKE HIM REALIZE THATI WAS, HEY! I’M HERE.. I LIKE YOU..GIVE ME A CHANCE; CAN YOU OPEN YOUR HEART TO ME?
And I believe that was my Waterloo, as Mr Geng observed that I would act as if I had no intentions of loving him when we’d kid around every time at the office lobby. It’s just me sabotaging myself. Roxy told me that I could have acted aggressively but in an assertive manner, mala-RUBI daw kuno, but it’s far too late. And I have to live with it.
I can strike up conversations with strangers but definitely not with the one I like/love for that matter.
Now I have to act like one of the girls at the Miss Universe pageant smiling and clapping on stage while someone else is being crowned, wishing nothing but the best to the winner, waiting for the disappointment to sink in.
And P.S. I’m not crying at this point. I believe it’s pointless, wa mi ga-uyab so there.
Monday, September 6, 2010
those were the thoughts that spilled off my mouth with what happened a little while ago.
Floie could only giggle.
He/ she / or it cannot imagine the thought of me fuming mad yet totally helpless and could only utter a one liner at the presence of someone who rests at the catacombs of the greatest muscle of my body .
I know Chitru would have loved to see me act that way, pokerfaced yet already bracing my arms to strangle someone. after all he has been my confidante with all of these matters where he would just chuckle and gave a thought or two.
again GRRRRRRRRRRR............
Saturday, July 10, 2010
was that my name?
im just scribbling my thoughts like a pre-pubescent girl, lost in the emotion.
my heart just went straight to my throat. gulp.
i had thought that i would soon get enough of him, or so i thought. im not nagging, im just LOST IN THE FEELING.
i wonder if he notices?... and thats another gulp if he does. im just afraid of rejection.
i keep my emotions hidden and it backfires and blows up in my face.
will he ever notice?
(photo c/o of photobucket)
Friday, June 25, 2010
You should listen to Kieth's comment's about him, you'd roll over laughing. AS IN, truly Keith is the Queen of evil badings!
And since its june 25th its actually lonelyboi's birthday so a shoutout to you!
and BTW you can visit geng at his site http://thecebulife.blogspot.com.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
shading an elipses
Funny how art imitates life, Cos it seems like the political arena seems like an episode of Southpark (figure it out).
Just a thought.
So we hope for the next leaders to be kind enough, but are we waiting in vain and ask where have all the good leaders gone?
I am personally losing faith amidst the evils of politics.